16 Okt 2010

Pee in simple BALI

Simple Simple of me with Bali Shirt.....actually in not feeling well today..but kinda boring now..so i decide to post my blog..aku beli baju bali shirt ini di bali..aku pernah tinggal di bali before and never bored leave there..
i can have a lot of crazy and awesome friend there..and everyday i'm having so much fun...
miss everything in bali........tadinya picture ini mau aku post ke LOOKBOOK...tapi kayanya is not HYPED enough..so aku gak post deeeeh....hehehe....soalnya terlalu simple gak ada kelebihannya..hihihi..kalo gak di hyped kan nanti bisa maluuu deh aku...hihi
hehehehe...photo yang ini gak banget deeeh..hahahaha...maluu sebenernya pasang yang ini....aku keliatan very skinny....hihihi
Girls guys folks gank..everyone.........hehehehe.....just be creative with your style..fun to be different and creative..be your self and always be proud with your self okay...

~ Peace out ~